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Content with attention and trust

PR, Attention, & Trust

We are living in an attention society – and they say that people now have the attention span of a goldfish! So, how do you attract attention, create affinity, and build trust?  With great content. What does this have...

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Smart Millennials are Impacting the Housing Market

Smart Millennials are Impacting the Housing Market You’ve probably heard all the negative comments –  Millennials are lazy, won’t work hard, expect instant gratification, and can’t cope with adversity. Well, some of that may be true, but when it...

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Google’s Content Rules

  Content has always been a major part of PR, but now it’s become an integral part of all marketing. According to research from the Content Marketing Institute, 91 percent of B2B brands and 86 percent of B2C brands use it. But...

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content cheat sheet

Social Media Content Cheat Sheet

Every business owns content that could, and should, be re-purposed for use on social media. However, this is not a one-size-fits-all activity. Each social platform has its own “language,” if you will.  Your content will get the best results...

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Creating Content for Influencers

Creating good content is one thing, getting it seen is another. It’s that ‘tree in the forest’ question: If you create the perfect piece of content and nobody sees it, does it matter?  Create content with influencers in mind...

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Visual Content Adds Appeal to Press Releases

Visual content is still the best way to increase engagement. Unfortunately, most business owners and PR practitioners are not professional photographers or graphic designers. It was never part of our training because it was not part of PR before....

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